As reported on Saturday, Nikhil Advani’s latest flick Patiala House had a dull start on the day of its release. But, the movie, failed to pick up on the weekend too. As per reports, the movie collected Rs 2.75 crore approx on Monday. The film has witnessed a drop of 40-45% in its collection since Friday, and it’s been just four days.
If the movie continues to remain steady at BO, it can manage to get close to Rs 25 crore mark in its first week. But this is not a good figure for any Akshay Kumar film because most of his movies get much more than Rs 25 crore approx in their first weekend.
It’s certain that the movie is not going to be a big hit but because of its not-so-high budget, the producers can heave a sigh of relief. They are also benefited by Akshay’s profit sharing deal and also with the rebate given by the UK government for films shot in the country.
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