Actor Rajinikanth completed the shooting for Shahrukh Khan's upcoming movie 'RA One' at Subhash Ghai's Whistling Woods Studio in Mumbai. Rajini has a guest appearance in the movie.
Accompanied by his daughter Soundarya, Rajini shot for the much publicized scene with Shahrukh. See RA. One photo gallery.
According to sources, the shot is a replica of the 'Robot' scene where the robotic Rajini turns magnetic and grabs all the metal guns in style. All metallic object fly past Shahrukh Khan to the man standing behind him, who is Rajinikanth!
Shahrukh tweeted after the shooting, “Misconcepts, misunderstood. Stressed and then Rajini sir walks on sets & u know why God made films. Thanx Soundarya for making our dream come true,”.
"‘Ra.One’ completed today. Rajini sir blessed it. Have tears in my eyes of gratitude & only prayers and love for his whole family. You complete us sir,” he said.
This is the first time Rajini has faced the camera after a long time since he has not been well and recovering.
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